Author Archives: Maike van Stiphout

Toolbox building with nature

Make “building with nature” the new standard, is the slogan of the makers of the toolbox launched the 20th of November on the congress Natuurlijk! in Olst. The Dutch toolbox for building with nature is there. Every developer, architect, city maker and housing association can find on the website all the information about species that like to live with us in urban areas. And the website will be improved daily by its users.

link website:

link congres Natuurlijk!:én-natuur?utm_source=Biind&utm_campaign=5bc688a59b-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_26_09_19_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a6e3d8d2b6-5bc688a59b-227032101

Nature inclusive in Draft National Strategy on Spacial planning and the Environment (NOVI)

“In the future, the Netherlands will have set aside more space for nature, by more strongly integrating nature and landscape values with other developments. Within building and development tasks, nature inclusive development is the standard, both in urban and rural areas. Nature inclusion will become a standard element in design activities. The area of land under nature has been increased and water conditions and environmental conditions improved. Based on the European Birds Directive and the Habitat Directive, the Netherlands is responsible for guaranteeing the continued sustainable existence of species and ecosystems. This not only applies to land but also in the marine environment where we will strive to achieve a good environmental status and sustainable and responsible use. In urban areas, there is sufficient space for nature and green, by 2050, to allow insects a good chance of survival. Soil subsidence in weak soils has been massively reduced, at the latest by 2050.”

download here the english version of the NOVI:

Award “Nature inclusive building and designing” launched

foto: website Vogelbescherming

Bird protection Netherlands has been working hard for years on a livable city for people and birds. With success: nature-inclusive building and designing is becoming increasingly popular. That is why this year, Bird Protection and the Mammal Society are presenting the Nature Including Building and Designing 2019 Award. You can submit from now on!


Bioloop in Delft

foto: Diny Tubbing

The city of Delft in the Netherlands is the first city with the Bioloop, a playful floating element for people to go into the water and small swimming animals to get out. The Bioloop is worked out into a design by The initial idea is made during the research project Building for Biodiversity 2015, by three students Rick Groeneveld, Liselot Rambonnet and Tom Nederstigt. Their aim is to connect people with nature in the city in a pleasant way.

The city ecologist of Delft, Diny Tubbing, adopted the idea for the project Spoorzone – Coendersbuurt. An new development area near the central station, with many canals.


An evening about Nature Inclusive Design the 22nd of May

May 22nd is the International Day of Biodiversity. Architecture Center Amsterdam does not want to let this pass unnoticed and is organizing an evening on nature-inclusive design on Wednesday 22 May 2019.

In 2014, the Amsterdam Architecture Center and landscape architect Maike van Stiphout (DS landscape architects) organized an initial study to increase biodiverstity in the city. Five years later, Maike van Stiphout bundles her findings in the First Guide to Nature Inclusive Design.

Amsterdam is a green city and this makes Amsterdam attractive to live in. Biodiversity is dropping terribly. Designers can do a lot to help nature. On the International Day of Biodiversity, the Amsterdam Architecture Center invites you to join in the discussion about the upcoming Green Vision Amsterdam, Jip Louw Kooijmans tells about how birds adapt to changing circumstances and Maike van Stiphout presents her book.

Program and speakers

Geertje Wijten
Geertje Wijten, Project Leader Green Vision for Spatial Planning and Sustainability of the Municipality of Amsterdam, talks about the plans that the municipality is developing for the Green Vision. Geertje will also ask our guests to think about our green city.

Jip Louwe Kooijmans
Jip Louwe Kooijmans talks about his experience as a program coordinator at Bird Life Netherlands. He is a specialist in the field of birds in urban areas and gives his vision of Amsterdam.

Maike van Stiphout
According to Maike van Stiphout, not only the landscape architect should be concerned with nature-inclusive design, but also the urban planners and the architects. Together we can make a difference. To share her methods, she wrote the first guide for nature-inclusive design, about which will be officially launched this evening.

Day of Biodiversity, Nature-inclusive design
Date: Wednesday, May 22
Time: 8 p.m. start / 7.30 p.m. door open
Location: Architectuurcentrum Amsterdam, Prins Hendrikkade 600
Ticket: € 7.50
Language: Dutch

The First Guide – for sale now

”Where can we find your theory?” People often ask me after a lecture about nature inclusive design. This guide is the answer to that question”, Maike van Stiphout says in the introduction of “The first guide to nature inclusive design”. “With the projects I realised in my life I changed the world a little. I’m the daughter of a biologist, who became a landscape architect with love for nature. The vast and intricate entanglement of ecosystems and cities has always animated me.”

Landscape architecture is the only profession designing with urban ecosystems. It’s time for architects and urbanists, commissioners and the building industry to join in, because nature inclusive design leads to better quality of life for all beings.

Urban ecosystems are extensive and improving them is a complex task. But many small projects together do have a positive impact. This insight made us decide to create this guide for city builders. The knowledge acquired through the years is crystallised into a compact, practical theory in which you follow three rules to make a nature inclusive project. An easy start for beginners.

And since we have only just begun to build for biodiversity, we call it the first guide. Who’s next?

The guide costs 25,00 euro incl. VAT 9%, exclusive shipment costs. It is also available at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture and at ARCAM (Amsterdam Architecture centre).

For ordering please send an email to including number of books, name and directions.  You’ll get in return an invoice with shipment costs and once paid it will be sent to you.

French city for Biodiversity competition 2019

The French website Capitales Francaises de la Biodiversité calls for entries for the competition of the city of Biodiversity 2019. This year the price is given to a city who works on biodiversity related to the climate adaptation and erosion prevention. In 2018 Besancon won the price which focussed on design and maintenance activities of natural areas in the city. The picture shows the cities herd of goats. You can find a lot of information on the side under tab “Presentation”.

The site offers also information about other activities launched by the French state, such as regional workshops, webinars and partners. For those who read French it’s very interesting to dive into!


French cities for Biodiversity

Manifesto for a Wild Amsterdam

The Delta Program for Biodiversity was presented last Wednesday, December 19th: The Dutch strategy to work on the restoration of our nature.  Of course, Amsterdam can not stay behind. Some parties joined in the initiative for an Amsterdam chapter in the Delta Plan. In the spring of 2019, a broad coalition of involved organizations from urban planning and nature development will gather around a “Manifesto for a Wild Amsterdam”.

In recent years Amsterdam has become an escape hill for plants and animals, but at the same time we are losing more and more nature in the city. What if we say that Amsterdam does not have 800,000 but many billions of inhabitants? What if WE is not just about people, but is also being built for plants and animals in new Amsterdam? What if we see Amsterdam as a inhabited nature reserve instead of a city with public gardens?

We would like to build a rich city with you. You can download the announcement in the link:

fourpager biodivers Amsterdam

Deltaplan Biodiversiteit: www.samenvoorbiodiversiteit.nl20181221_fourpager biodiversAmsterdam

Community of Practice Building + Biodiversity programme

Today the Community of Practice of the programme Building + Biodiversity started. The CoP is a group of nature experts, developers, builders, communicators, urbanists, architects and landscape architects with own practice and working for cities and provinces and the state. The CoP shares the interest in and knowledge of building for biodiversity in the urban areas. partner Maike van Stiphout gave the kickoff lecture today teaching the 3 rules to make a project nature inclusive. Robbert Snep gave a lecture and workshop focussing on the building process. The moderator was Jelle de Jong, director IVN.

The Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) organises the programme ( The goal is to accelerate the introduction of nature inclusive building in the whole building chain: from ambitions until construction and maintenance. The programme launched the open call for the best nature inclusive project, the winner will be announced Spring 2019.

link to folder of the 3 rules to make a project nature inclusive (NL)