First Guide to Nature Inclusive Design
€ 27,50 (ENG/NL)
The time is right to make from your project a nature inclusive project! With the First Guide to Nature Inclusive Design you’ll reach your goal in three steps. You’ll get inspired by beautiful examples of the last decennia and amazing student projects. For developers and commissioners it is useful to create the best proposals and answer the right questions to the designers. For all of you it is a talking piece on the table.
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Who bought the guide until now? It’s bought by UGS Wellant for lessons, the city of Amsterdam for the participants of Amstelstad project, and by the ministry, RVO for the participants of the nature inclusive program. And a lot are already bought by Dutch young professionals, the early adapters. The guide also went abroad to e.g. Praque, Paris, Zurich, Hannover, Lubiljana, Edinbugh, Stuttgard, Melbourne and Beijing.
Second Guide to Nature Inclusive Design
€ 27,50 (ENG/NL)
While wild nature in the city is a relief for some, it is still seen as neglect by many. If we want to increase support for a nature-inclusive living environment, we must look for the aesthetics of naturalization; the theme of this guide.
This Second Guide to Nature Inclusive Design, written for designers and green managers, offers three spatial concepts that can make naturalization appreciated. A number of researchers are helping us to create more space for wild plants and animals in the city in an orderly manner and with new thinking concepts.