Trees, Urban Ecosystem Services and the ‘Internet of Nature’

In the 2020 virtual tour on her city’s Arboreal Wonders Amsterdam based researcher Nadina Galle lines up a variety of beneficial ecosystem services of city trees as key ingredients for a biodiverse city.

Already when planted the service expected by the elm trees in Amsterdam was to strengthen the canal quay sides with their vertical roots. Today there are 400.000 trees along streets and canals, and more than one million trees in the entire city offering many services. Software like iTree helps quantify these value of trees. Next to cooling and a pleasant soundscape these values include the increase of property value, and safety by lowering traffic speed and decreasing crime. In addition, trees help to buffer storm waters, store carbon dioxide and improve health by lowering stress and blood pressure, says Galle.

The Amsterdam Urban Nature Map (also available for Breda) shows all the green and blue public spaces, and how to better use urban nature. More information on trees and their benefits can be seen on the Interactive Amsterdam Tree Map, and MIT’s Treepedia. Or use an identification app such as PlantSnap, iNaturalist or PictureThis. Speaking with Nadine get one and have ‘a botanist in your pocket!’

© Still by Nadina Galle, video by Christiaan Kanis