The Hague presents ‘Green Points’ for green and nature inclusive building

Based upon the notion that buildings are part of urban nature, future tender procedures and selling of land to developers in The Hague will linked to compulsory ‘Green Points’. Depening on e.g. the size of a plot developers and constructors receive e.g. ‘hard’ points for nesting boxes for bats and birds, and ‘soft’ points for green roofs and gardens. The points are legally binding and are a part of the contract when obtaining the plot. Read the press release from 14th of March 2019 from the Municipality online. The system will be introduced step by step, read more on the official municipal documents here (commissiebrief, Dutch only).

In the press release The Hague Municipality explains the ambition to stimulate biodversity: fauna and flora. There are 3 categories such as nesting facilities, green roofs and walls and other measurements in the built environment. The system was developed together with project developers and intends to give clear demands of what is expected by the parties in the design and building sector.

See the documents (Dutch only) of the Municipality of The Hague from November 2016 and October 2016 that are on the basis of this new system of Green Points.

Image courtesy, see a recent article on the issue online @