On September 24, 2021 Biotope City Foundation Amsterdam/Vienna and the Viennese BOKU University for Natural Resources and Life Sciences organize an online symposium on the nature inclusive future of our cities.
The topics addressed will include the freshly realized Biotope City in Vienna, the Floating University Berlin and 10 sessions on top climate resilient strategies (such as sponge cities, participation, green cover effects, climate trees and urban farming), concluded by lessons learned for the future.
Speakers include Helga Fassbinder, Jeanne Astrup-Chauvaux next to Bernhard Scharf (Green4cities), Angelique Bellemakers (INBO architects) Marlies Zuidam (FAAM architects), Maria Auböck (Atelier Auböck+Karasz), Brenda Swinkels, van den Berg Nurseries, Tim Elfring (Phood Kitchen), Steven Delva (Delva Landscape Architecture Urbanism), Pia Minixhofer & Sebastian Hafner (BOKU), Florian Kraus (Greenpass) and Florian Reinwald, (Institute of Landscape Planning ILAP).
Moderator: Mathias Lehner, research director nextcity.nl and strategic advisor urban development Zaanstad Municipality
Date: 24th September 2021
Time: 9:00 – 13:00 hrs, online
More info and program in English and German here.
If you want to join, please register with an email to contact@biotope-city.net.
The symposium via Zoom can be accessed here. Meeting-ID 914 3531 0298,code 918728.