On behalf of BNA, Royal Institute of Dutch Architects, Mathias Lehner interviewed Jip Louwe Kooijmans of Birdlife Netherlands about the ‘Toolbox Nature Inclusive Building’ that was launched at the end of 2019. Is nature-inclusive designing a new businessmodel?
Jip Louwe Kooijmans: To begin with: nature-inclusive construction does not have to be expensive. Many things are free. With a cavity in a wall of 10mm, for example, nothing happens, but with a cavity of 18mm, animals can enter. That brings no extra cost. A project such as Bosco Verticale in Milan and Wonderwoods in Utrecht will have additional costs. Although the Trudo tower is now being built in Eindhoven in which social rental housing will be built – and that is also succeeding.
But nature-inclusive design can strengthen the entrepreneurship of an architect in various ways. You can become an expert with a unique proposition. Architect Daan Bruggink of ORGA architects or landscape architect Maike van Stiphout of nextcity.nl are, for example, designers who profile themselves with that theme. They offer unique services and can advise you. For example: what kind of green roof yields the most? Architects can also distinguish themselves with nature-inclusive building when it comes to their public relations. Doing something for nature can radiate positively on you. Doing good and positive news contribute to your good image and reputation.
Already designing nature inclusive is also of strategic importance. Sustainability has become an integral part of construction in the past 10 years. In the future, nature-inclusive construction will also become even more important, especially in Europe. There will be a uniform standard and clients will more often ask for nature-inclusive designs. In the future, such regulations will apply to everyone and will ensure a level playing field. There is no longer any fear of, for example, a pause in your construction period: if you build nature-inclusive, you anticipate on the local biodiversity in advance and you can avoid financial setbacks.
Read the full interview at the website of BNA.