Design Atelier ‘Breda City in the Park’, Dag van de Stad 28 October The Hague

The city is alive an kicking and prominently on the agenda. Also on yours? Join us on the Day of the City 2019 in The Hague. During this annual event, all urban professionals come together for inspiration and knowledge exchange for economically strong, sustainable, future-proof and liveable cities.

Themed “Who dares ?!” this year the stage is given to brave entrepreneurs, architects, theater makers, scientists, social organizations, residents and administrators. What unites them is their vision, bravery and guts.

Mathias Lehner of is moderating a Design Atelier from 13 -14:30 hrs. Get inspired by Harry Boeschoten (Staatsbosbeheer) and wethouder Geertje Bos (gemeente Breda), discuss with us and create ideas and solutions for the centrally located Gasthuisvelden to contibute to the 2030 vision of ‘Breda, City in the Park’.

See the full programme and sign of for this ‘Ontwerpatelier’.