Cats are a serious threat for the biodiversity, is the conclusion of the research of Pete Marra and his college Tom Will. They wrote the book “Cat wars”. Pete and Tom researched the role of human beings in the extinction of birds. Which part of the loss is not caused by virus or other natural ennemies but by us.
Kate Orff, a well known American landscape architect, showed during a lecture on the landscape biennale in Barcelona, a matrix of photos of dead birds . She collected lots of dead birds at the foot of glass buildings, noise screens and infrastructural elements. The findings, with passport, were sent to the National Road Department. I hope they shaped the building code into a more bird friendly one. .
The two researchers concluded that nor the glass buildings, the infrastructural elements, the windmills, the cars or electricity cables were the most devastating of human actions but our domesticated cats.
There goes a big chunk of the stewardship for endangered bird species, because most people love their cats more than anything else.